Root Canal Re-Treatments - Lutz, FL

A Second Chance to Save Your Teeth

root canal xray

When Root Canals Fail

Dr. Joseph Breig performs root canals to treat painful infections of your tooth roots and help you avoid extractions. If you have a root canal treatment performed by a less experienced practitioner or have complex tooth roots, you may require root canal re-treatments later. Your canals may be narrow or curved, making some areas of infection hard to spot. These areas may not be sanitized fully the first time. Even when your procedure is done correctly, new decay may develop or a flaw in a filling can cause re-infection of the tooth. As a result, you can continue to suffer root canal pain for months or even years! Dr. Breig is the reliable expert for root canal re-treatments in Lutz, FL. In fact, as an endodontist, he specializes in root canals and all related treatments. He’s empowered by years of additional training beyond dental school. What’s more, he uses advanced technology and techniques—an operating microscope and 3D imaging—that help him complete your root canal treatment correctly the first time. When needed, these also enable him to provide effective re-treatment.
dr breig performing root canal procedure

Why You Might Need Root Canal Re-Treatments

Undergoing Root Canal Re-Treatment

Dr. Breig will establish whether you need root canal re-treatment during an examination. This includes imaging of your mouth with our low-radiation cone beam CT scanner, which renders 3D x-ray images. He will ensure you have a pain free procedure and utilize sedation techniques if needed. Then he’ll reopen the tooth to access and remove the gutta percha filling from your original root canal treatment. Following this, he’ll do a thorough cleaning and reshaping inside your root canals using a specialized microscope to ensure no infection remains. Finally, Dr. Breig will replace the inside of the tooth and seal up the crown. Afterward he’ll coordinate your final restoration(s) with your general dentist.

Through microscope technology and his own exacting methods, Dr. Breig can help you live pain-free again with a newly repaired, fully functional tooth. Don’t let a failed root canal hinder you any longer! Come to Lutz Endodontics.

cone beam scanner

Get the Root Canal Results You Deserve

Dr. Breig will deliver.