Sedation Eliminates Pain and Worry
Are you fearful of dental procedures? Does the idea of a root canal scare you? You have no reason to fear here. As an endodontist, Dr. Joseph Breig is a specialist extensively trained in treating all issues related to your tooth roots. He uses advanced, minimally invasive dental technology to make your treatment fast and comfortable. And of course, he provides multiple types of anesthesia to keep you relaxed and pain-free before, during, and after root canals. If your general dentist is referring you to an endodontist offering sedation dentistry in Lutz, FL, you can’t go wrong with Lutz Endodontics. Read on to learn about the types of sedation we offer and the real dangers of dental anxiety.
Minimal Sedation (Anxiolysis) is a drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Although cognitive function and physical coordination may be impaired, airway reflexes, and ventilatory and cardiovascular functions are unaffected, You won’t feel and many times wont even remember most of your treatment.
Our Sedation Dentistry Options
Oral Sedation
With this option, you won’t feel or remember most of your treatment, which makes it ideal in cases of severe dental anxiety. Oral sedation is sleep-like sedation delivered in pill form. You take your first dose before you leave home for the procedure. Because of its potency, oral sedation requires you to be brought to and from our office on the day of treatment.
Nitrous Oxide
This is the so-called “laughing gas” people often talk about. You inhale nitrous oxide through a mask during your treatment. You’ll remain alert but calm throughout your procedure. Nitrous oxide works quickly. Its effects also wear off within minutes once we remove the mask.
The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
- Minimal pain
- Greater relaxation
- Stress-free treatment
- Better dental health after regular dental visits
- Reduced gag reflex
The Long-Term Dangers of Dental Anxiety
If you suffer from dental anxiety you may be inclined to skip routine dental visits. You may also ignore symptoms that you experience. Both of these put you on the path to major health issues. Left untreated, minor dental problems can become major ones. And that’s not limited to dental health. You can develop medical health complications as well. If your general dentist recommends a treatment plan for you—whether or not it includes referring you to Dr. Breig—follow through with it! You’ll thank yourself later.